Our progress

Filling in our rubric and presenting our final maps!

Good work everyone!


Sound recording, mapping and more!

A lot going on today!

With the date for our completed projects only a few days away, the groups started today with a short meeting. The team member in charge of garden artwork chaired a meeting where he/she collaborated with team members before starting their final garden sketch!

With the final ideas decided, the team member began working on the sketch. The team chose one more member to assist with this. They began by applying a scale to their garden map.

The remaining team members chose what they needed to do next - prioritising what they saw as the most important tasks to complete their project.

Some carried on working on their photo story creation while remaining in good contact with other members who offered ideas and tips.

Some other children started to work out how much their garden would cost to create, keeping in mind the school garden budget! As prices were often in English pounds, children used their maths skills to convert the currency. Other children discovered www.xe.com which handily converted the prices to Euro!

Other team members continued to use various IT tools to enhance their garden ideas. This included app building, game creation and voice recording! Talha found a music website that offers free music for use on his photo story.

We ended the session with every team reporting their work back to their groups. Great work today everyone!

p.s. I loved getting to play the games you created! This one was created by The Garden Gangsters and was amazing!

Some Science!
Everyone worked hard today carrying out experiments to answer questions that our teams themselves posed. The idea of the inside of a nappy aiding plant growth seemed very strange at first and as we all pulled apart one a nappy today it may have felt even stranger! We planted seeds in a small pot filled with a soil and hydro gel mixture. We will track its progress over the next week!

Another team claimed that using banana peels as fertilizer was a clever and cost efficient way to make sure our plants and flowers are in top shape! We will be monitoring this in the coming days. Keep an eye on all of the blogs for our results!

Here are some photographs of the Science afternoon. Feel free to take them and add them to your own blog!

Seeing where we are with our roles

As we draw our final ideas together for the photostory and presentation to Mr. McGorman, each member of the teams reflected on their journey so far. We discussed things we had achieved along the way and assessed how we felt the groups were collaborating. We also narrowed down our ideas - evaluating each idea to see if we wanted to include it in our final garden plan or not. This focused the groups on where we needed to go next as we continue to work on our final presentation.

Beginning to use Photostory

With our photostory ideas now down on paper, we headed to the school computer room today to begin our work. Teams divided in to different sections - each with a clear goal in mind. These tasks included Photostory, Blabberize, Glogster, Voki, Sound recording and a new website one of the children discovered called Sploder. Here are a few photographs from the session!

Beginning to look at Microsoft Photostory

We had a fun demo on Microsoft photostory today. We looked at examples Mr. Curtin made for other projects in the school.
With every group lucky enough to have a member or two who have used Microsoft Photostory before, we started to plan out our photostory today. With our template designs in hand, we filled out a template filled with rectangles. Each rectangle represented a page on our photostory. This will help give our final presentation briefs some structure and enable our members to all have a voice in the end product.

The groups discussed the best ways of presenting the material, what sound recording equipment we will use and if they will use background music for any sections of their end photostory.

Planning our project on paper

With so many great ideas flying around these blogs, we had to begin to commit to some of these ideas keeping the school garden budget in mind. Each group filled out a template page detailing what ideas were feasible and what were not.

Having completed these template pages, we will use these as a signpost in future work on our garden projects.


Measuring the garden area

In a fun maths class last week, a member of each of our teams got the chance to measure the area we have to work with. Using a trundle wheel and metre sticks, we set off to measure the area of the garden. We found that the area is 40m x 9.4m. It has an area of 396 metres squared.

Here are some photographs of our work.


  1. The progress page looks great Mr Curtin B) !

  2. We have all made a lot of progress and brilliant photography mr.curtin!!!:))

  3. Thanks Gabriella! I can't take all of the credit though - some of these photos were taken by team members!

  4. Wow I didn't imagine we could do so much fun during planning.
