Thursday, May 8, 2014

Well done!

There is so much great work going on in all of the class blogs. I'm so proud of you all. Here are just a few highlights from the past few days!

The Garden Gangsters have loads of information about bees, rabbits and how you might attract butterflies to our garden! Keep an eye out for Aoibh's random facts too! Merci!

The Green Gardeners have loads of facts about slug traps and cheap ways to water plants. Jennifer even interviewed an 'expert' gardener about her talents. I love their Manga style pictures too. They are great for finding new ways to incorporate ICT in to their blog!

The Evergreen Team have been showing us ways to deal with those pesky slugs and treating us to some really beautiful garden sketches!

The Green bunch have been showing us how well they are collaborating with each other. Team work is so important! They have also been showing us some cool ways to get rid of those weeds and making your own compost!
JoJo has produced some amazing sketches of his ideas for the garden. Leonardo Da Vinci would be proud of them! They also have great ways to test how good the soil in the garden will be. Well done guys!


  1. Wow Mr curtin that was an amazing description.Thank you

  2. Thanks Mr.curtin! We have managed to finish and embed our game. Please check it out!

  3. These are some great posts -Rachel B from Ms.McGrath's class
