Thursday, May 8, 2014

Tree Octopus?

Someone mentioned these in class today... Would it be possible to have one in the garden?
Check out this website and decide for yourself if it would be possible!

Information on the Tree Octopus!

There is extra information on the wikipedia page :)

Note from Mr. Curtin(added the day after the original post)

The tree octopus was an internet hoax started in 1998 by Lyle Zapato. Although not intended originally for this use, it is often used as a way of teaching young people about the dangers of false sources of information of the web.
Our discussions in class tell me that many children believed this species to be real based on a very convincing website. Don't feel foolish - most of the children they tested this out on fell in to the same trap.
What we can take from this experiment is that we should never trust just one source on the internet. It's always useful to check a few sites to see if the information matches.

1 comment:

  1. I think these would be really cool to have in our garden, but I have been researching and apparently according to Wikipedia they Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus is an internet hoax which was created in 1998 by Lyle Zapato. It has been used as an internet literacy story for classes. Is this information true or are these creatures a living thing? If these are a living think ( which i'm pretty sure they are not) I dont think they would survive in Ireland, as they need alot of trees and was said to live in the Olympic National forest. Hope this info helps!:)
